Thursday 24 February 2011

Feeling Meh.

Blah. I feel like crap. I officially hate today and will for the rest of my life. Such a sad, sad day.


Wednesday 23 February 2011

The Day Before THE Day

So tomorrow I'm going in for my first ever operation and let me tell you I am absolutely crapping my pants about it all. It's nothing major just routine surgery but just the thought of being put under anaesthetic is really scaring me. What if I don't go to sleep? What if I feel everything thats happening? Argh! I am so stressed and anxious about it!

Anyway, today I am just trying to eat well (I have to fast from 10pm tonight!) and rest as much as possible while Benjamin is at Child Care, now if only I could turn my mind/thoughts off things would be much much easier.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Oh Hey!

I have decided that it's time for me to start writing everything thats going on down so I can get it out of my head and stop every little thing from bringing me down constantly. I don't care if nobody ever reads this, it's not what it's for, it's for me and me only.

I am still currently giving the little blog a bit of a makeover so there will be weird things going on for a little while until the OCD part of me is happy with it.

I hope to be able to blog every day, but if I don't oh well. I will also be posting lots of pretty things and things that I love. Hopefully by blogging again I may actually start taking more photos as well, or that's my aim!